Rowena grace
Rowena Grace
Isle Of Wight
Mobile: 07970 833394
Rowena Swallow, Registered Bi-Aura® Therapy Practitioner
I studied Economics at Cambridge University and then worked as an accountant for 19 years in London, so I've worked in the 'real world' and do understand the pressures within it. I still do some finance work on the side to 'keep my hand in' and enjoy the contrast to my healing work. My life is very balanced!
I trained as a healer in Neuro-Muscular Transmission in 2008/9 and have used the intervening years to build my experience and refine my style. When I wanted to develop my understanding of the human energy fields, I researched several options and eventually found Bi-Aura® Therapy, which instinctively felt the right approach for me.
Bi-Aura® Therapy works on all of the chakras, with the intention of getting them all flowing smoothly. Blockages or weaknesses in specific chakras give a very clear indication of what is going on internally, and by explaining what I have found, I can help a client address the underlying root cause of some of their issues. I have had many lovely results in my clients, and they generally all leave a treatment feeling lighter and freer.
I have experienced many different healing traditions myself over the years, from shamanic healing to gong chanting to chakra clearing, and have learnt a lot about who I am and what brings me joy. I think it is crucial for anyone who wishes to help other people to have first worked on themselves.
I meditate every morning, which gives me space to observe my life from a distance and feel gratitude for all/ that I have received. The benefits of meditation are cumulative, and I love the calmness it brings to the start of my day.”
Location & Timings:
I now work remotely with most of my clients, however I also work with people in their homes or holiday lets on the Isle of Wight. I work during the day and in the evenings and at weekends, whenever is convenient for my clients. I have a booking calendar on my website so you can see my availability.
For more information about working with me, please see my website: