What is bi-aura® therapy?
““Based on the principle that all disease is, at root, an energy imbalance, Bi-Aura therapy provides a way of improving people’s health irrespective of their condition.” ”
Welcome to new vistas of healing with Bi-Aura® Therapy
All Healing is Self Healing
Bi-Aura® Therapy is a system of bio-energy healing. It is completely natural, gentle, and safe for anyone - from the very young to the elderly, and even for animals.
Bi-Aura® Therapy works with the power of chi (also called prana, or life-force energy). Everyone has the capacity to access and cultivate this energy to promote healing for oneself and others.
““Without taking away from other therapies, in my opinion, Bi-Aura is the most potent therapy I know of.” ”
Your physical body is part of a complex, biological electromagnetic field of energy. Bi-Aura® Therapy is focused upon balancing the field of energy that makes up and is the human body. This field is also called the bio-field, the ‘energy body,’ and the ‘aura.’ It is believed that when the body’s bio-field becomes weakened, stressed, or damaged, a reduction of energy flowing into the many complex systems of the body can occur, leading to physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual disturbances and dis-ease.
Bi-Aura® Therapy Practitioners are trained to detect imbalances and disturbances in the bio-field and to aid the establishment of balance and well-being through a selection of gracefully executed Bi-Aura® techniques.
The Bio-field and the Chakras
Western medical science is only beginning to discover the reality and implications of the body’s bio-energy field. It has been known of and studied in many ancient cultures around the world for thousands of years as an integral part of healing knowledge.
A human body is not only physical; it is a combination of physical, mental, emotional and energetic attributes which are interdependent with one another.
Vibrating at a frequency higher than the physical body yet penetrating it and surrounding it, are several interconnecting layers of energy making up the bio-field.
The bio-field is a fusion of two forms of energy; Cosmic energy radiating from space and Earth energy emanating from our planet. These energies flow vertically through the body meeting at energy centers known as ‘chakras.’
The word ‘chakra’ is originally from the Sanskrit language, meaning ‘wheel.’ Chakras are vortices of energy which receive and transform energies. In the body’s state of health, the chakras will vibrate at the appropriate frequency required to nourish the organs and other systems of the body. Each of the chakras correlates to major nerve ganglia branching from the spinal column, specific glands in the endocrine system, and particular levels of consciousness.
Bringing the chakras into alignment and balance allows the body to do what it naturally does when interference is removed; restore, repair, and heal itself.
Bi-Aura® Therapy Works
““I hope you don’t mind me writing to say how much I benefited through my treatment. After the sessions, a lot of fear has gone. I also feel a lot more energy.””
All illnesses and injuries have a corresponding distortion or blockage in the normal energy flow through the body. By reducing or eliminating the energy distortion or blockage, the body's inherent, dynamic healing mechanism can restore itself to its natural state of health and well-being.
Thousands of people have experienced profound healing effects from Bi-Aura® Therapy. Over the years we’ve compiled many hundreds of case studies evidencing reductions and improvements of a multitude of conditions and ailments during and after experiencing this gentle and powerful therapy.
Experiencing a session
A Bi-Aura session performed can sometimes look a bit like the practitioner is performing a flowing dance with martial arts around the client. It is a graceful series of movements designed to help focus the therapist’s mind as they work to shift the energy flow in and around the client’s body. The process is gentle, with no physical manipulation and minimal contact with the client’s physical body.
Your Bi-Aura® Therapist will chat with you about your history and intention. They may take some notes. Your session is held in the strictest confidence.
You remain fully clothed for the session, removing only jewellery and obstructive items such as shoes and belts.
You may be standing for the first part of the session. The therapist may scan your energy field and chakras before beginning to stimulate the flow and clear the energies in the chakras. (For those with physical limitations making it difficult to sit or stand, the session can be performed lying down.)
You may be seated for the next portion of the session as more techniques are performed by your therapist to balance, harmonize, clear, and ground the energy field. You’ll likely drop into a state of deep relaxation.
Towards the end of the session, you may be asked to stand again for scanning and some final touches. Alternatively, for those uncomfortable with or unable to maintain a standing position, the session can be performed while seated or lying down.
A full Bi-Aura® session lasts approximately 45 minutes in addition to some moments before and after for sharing, preparation, and feedback from your Bi-aura® Therapy Practitioner.
““I experienced immediate relief after my first session. I am frankly amazed by these developments ...””
The recommended course of treatment is one session per week for three weeks, with a follow-on session about a month later. An alternative, intensive structure is to have one session a day for three days, skip one day, and resume for the last session within one week. Many clients have positive results and wish to continue with ongoing sessions as part of their well-being maintenance and self-care routine.
Visit our Find A Practitioner page to find a Registered Bi-Aura® Therapist near you.
Caring for you
Our Bi-Aura® Therapy Practitioners adhere to our Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. They are fully aware of the importance of protecting your safety and privacy. It’s important that you feel comfortable and safe at all times. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, you may stop your treatment. You are your own best authority and you are always in charge. You will always be fully clothed for a session and you get to choose whether or not our practitioners make hands-on contact with your physical body.
A vulnerable client is always permitted to have a caregiver present during a session. Questions about treatment are always welcome.