You Can Have a Career in Bi-Aura® Therapy!
Our Bi-Aura® Bio-Energy Healing Diploma Course Prospectus
Dear Prospective Student,
We warmly welcome you and thank you for your interest in our diploma course.
Our life-changing course is a journey of self-development and a pathway to an exciting career in bio-energy healing.
Students from all walks of life have been trained in Bi-Aura® Therapy since 1997, and have a rewarding career working in the field of helping others to heal. Our practitioners have full or part-time careers in Bi-Aura®Therapy. Some work from their homes. Others work in Holistic Health Centers. Some specialize in the treatment of animals, and some have volunteered their Bi-Aura® skills with charities around the world. Some Bi-Aura® trained medical doctors offer their patients Bi-Aura® therapy as an alternative or complement to allopathic medicine, where they feel it is appropriate.
Are you ready for a completely new profession in the field of complementary medicine and holistic arts? Are you seeking to add a new modality to your current healing therapy practice? Are you drawn to the self development and self healing opportunities of our training course? Bi-Aura® International can be a part of your journey of self-development and professional success. Let us be part of your path and join a growing world-wide community of healing professionals.
“Health is not just the absence of illness – health is wholeness, vitality, clear thinking and a willingness to embrace change”
Our in-person training courses take place one weekend a month over 8 consecutive months. Beginning at 10:00 am and finishing at 6:00 pm each day with regular breaks for refreshments and lunch.
Course notes are given to students in advance and provide a structure for the activities of each weekend.
We use the Chakra system as the foundation for our teaching. Beginning with the Root chakra and working up through the Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow, and finally to the Crown, each of the first seven weekends focuses in depth on the influence of a specific major chakra and the consequences should it be blocked, excessive or deficient. This activates the relevant chakra within the student and evokes any issues associated with it to come to light. A transitional period follows as these old, often forgotten, energy patterns and emotions are addressed. Students are taught how to recognise and process disharmonious energy and to release it from their energy field. As their energy fields clear, the students’ ability to hold energy increases, as do their healing capacities.
A simple Chi-Kung Exercise is taught which students and therapists alike are expected to practice on a daily basis. The exercise provides a simple yet powerful tool to create a conscious awareness of our own energy field and to induce and maintain high levels of energy.
““The best thing I have received out of this course so far, is the great clarity about my behavior and that of others. Being able to recognize why people react the way they do, I now have more tolerance and understanding of others. I am much more positive about myself and am looking forward to a total change of career as a fully qualified practitioner.” ”
Bi-Aura® techniques
From day one, students learn techniques to instantly effect positive changes in another’s energy field. After the first weekend, students are encouraged to practice on family and friends and to meet up and work with each other as often as possible.
Each month the previous month’s theory and practices are recapped and more advanced techniques and further theory introduced. Usually, at least four interactive Bi-Aura® technique training sessions take place each weekend.
Metaphysical causation
The body is regenerating throughout every second of our existence. Isotopic studies have shown that we replace 98% of all the atoms in our body in less than one year. This being the case, why do we remain sick for longer than this period? Studies show we think in excess of 70,000 thoughts per day, 95% of which are the same thoughts we had the day before. So, is it that we keep creating the same patterns that create the same physical expressions?
Meditation is an invaluable tool to access our internal processes and communicate consciously with the physical, mental and emotional bodies. This does not involve sitting for hours willing something to happen, but spending a few minutes quietly sending our awareness to the chosen area. With practice, it is possible to meditate in a bus queue, on a train or while walking.
We are what we think
Our bodies are not a separate part of our being but a physical manifestation of the whole. We believe there is a memory and consciousness in every single cell that responds to every thought that we have. Consequently negative beliefs about ourselves, others or life and unexpressed emotions such as grief, anger, fear and love or unprocessed feelings of hatred, guilt, shame and resentment will eventually manifest as ailments in the physical body.
Thought is energy
By learning to recognise our own negative thought patterns and self-limiting belief systems we learn that to forgive and accept ourselves is the first step towards the genuine forgiveness and acceptance of others. Only when this is achieved are we truly in a position to have genuine compassion for others and to hold a safe and powerful healing space in which to assist others in their individual healing process.
Thought is creative
Where we can create illness then we can create health. Where we can create poverty, then we can also create wealth. We unconsciously attract the evidence to support what we think and believe. Equally, it is the nature of our existence that our beliefs should be challenged so that we are encouraged to re- evaluate and choose whether to reaffirm, modify or expand our beliefs.
Inner awareness is key
Bi-Aura® students view their training as profoundly thought-shifting and life-enhancing. Through the simple process of working through the seven major energy centres (chakras), the subconscious is brought into consciousness and healing commences at a cellular level by facilitating the body’s own healing processes. The emphasis is on establishing a solid foundation and strong connection to the earth through the lower chakras and higher awareness. This makes it possible to sort what is real from illusion and avoid the mental and emotional confusion that can result from working with higher frequency energies when the link to the physical is weak. In other words, Bi-Aura® therapists are very down-to-earth people, living in the here and now, with the skills to work safely with higher frequencies.
Communicating with our body
By first accepting that our ailments are our body’s way of drawing our attention to one of the above we can begin to listen to and begin to understand the body’s message. Is my stiff neck a reflection of my rigid beliefs? Is my sinusitis an indication that I am allowing myself to be oppressed by someone? Is my arthritis a crippling reminder of my self-denial and subsequent frustration?
“Our bodies are not a separate part of our being, but a physical manifestation of the whole”
Weekend 1: Root chakra
Theory: Course introduction and overview; The background and origin of Bi-Aura®; Bi-Aura® International; Code of conduct; Sensing subtle energy; Interpreting chakra disturbances; The energy matrix; Energy healing; The body’s regeneration; Disease and physiology; Increasing physical energy; Protection and preparation; Root chakra influences. Practice: Chi Kung; Meditation – grounding; Demonstrations; Bi-Aura® techniques stage one; Interactive sessions; Root chakra exercises.
Weekend 2: Sacral chakra
Theory: The healing curve; Cleansing –internal and external; the tools of Bi-Aura®; The power of the focused mind; Healing colours; sacral chakra influences. Practice: Chi Kung; Meditation; Seeing energy and using colour; Bi-Aura® techniques - stage two. Sacral chakra exercises.
Weekend 3: Solar plexus chakra
Theory: Decisions and procrastination; Inner power; Control dramas – understanding behaviours; Medical intervention; Four-step recovery plan; Solar plexus chakra influences. Practice: Chi Kung; Meditation; Bi-Aura® techniques - stage three; Advanced migraine technique; Professional therapy sessions; Clinical feedback and advice; Role play and record keeping; Solar plexus exercises.
Weekend 4: Heart chakra
Theory: Human potential; Introduction to case studies; clinic set-up – records; Utilising advanced techniques; Heart chakra influences. Practice: Chi Kung; Meditation; Bi-Aura® techniques - stage four; advanced spinal alignment technique; Mock practical exam; Heart chakra exercises.
Weekend 5: Throat chakra
Theory: Purity and detoxification; Listening to the higher self; the expression of the chakras; Healing the inner self; Client communication; hear what we say; Health & the aura; Throat chakra influences. Practice: Chi Kung; Meditation; Bi-Aura® techniques – stage five. Working on chair bound clients; Sounding the chakras; chanting and toning.
Weekend 6: Brow chakra
Theory: Metaphysical causation; reaching the quantum world; Psychology and physiology; Left & right brain imbalance; Giving Presentations; Brow chakra influences. Practice: Chi–Kung; Meditation; Extrasensory perception; 15 minute sessions; Bi-Aura® techniques – stage six; Psychic and remote healing.
Weekend 7: Crown Chakra
Theory: Enabling or limiting beliefs; Seven spiritual steps; Working as a therapist; Clinic set-up and record keeping; legal requirements, insurance, accounts and promotion; Crown chakra influences. Practice: Chi-Kung; Meditation; Bi-Aura® techniques revision; Short presentations; Working 2 on 1.
Weekend 8
Theory: Course revision – final stage; Open forum; Bi-Aura® International’s support system; Theory exam. Practice: Bi-Aura® practical exam – techniques, understanding, application; Chi Kung, Meditation.
During the course you’ll also learn about:
Control dramas
We act them out every day of our lives. Learn how to recognise the different roles we take on and why we do so, and how to break the pattern and avoid being drawn into other people’s dramas. This frees us from the need to take energy from others and teaches us how to give energy freely so we need never feel drained by another person again.
The significance of colours
When healthy, each chakra vibrates to a specific colour frequency. We learn the healing power and appropriate use of colour in Bi-Aura® Therapy sessions.
Spiritual unfoldment
Our body and mind cannot develop fully and be in balance without also developing our spiritual awareness. This includes:
• Connecting with our higher self and universal light
• Raising our energy vibration
• Recognising what is real from illusion
• Developing extra sensory perception
• The unfoldment of compassion and awakening to love.
Professional practise
From active listening, case notes and patient confidentiality to promoting and running your own business are integral to the curriculum.
Training fees
Vary according to the location of the course and include:
• Eight training weekends
• Digital training manual
• Practical and theory examination costs
• Insurance
• Case study appraisal
• As needed, support and dialogue between the student and Bi-Aura® instructor and assistants
• Light refreshments.
Attendance of the entire course is mandatory. If a weekend is missed the student will be required to attend the relevant weekend on a later course
Students are required to keep a journal recording energy awareness, personal clearing and healing experiences, as they take place throughout the course.
To augment this process, individual therapy sessions with a registered Bi-Aura® Therapy Practitioner, at least once a month, are an additional requirement.
Anatomy and physiology (recommended not required)
Before going into professional practice it is advisable to have a working knowledge of anatomy. This can be self taught or achieved by a correspondence course provided by an independent organisation or by ITEC through your local adult education centre.
Emergency First Aid
Professional therapists from all disciplines are required to keep their emergency first aid skills up to date. St. Johns Ambulance and The Red Cross provide half day and day training courses nationwide. Students are required to attain a First Aid certificate prior to the exam weekend.
As well as daily practise of a Qi Gong exercise and regular practise of Bi-Aura® techniques, further home study is required. Each training weekend, questions will be set relevant to the theory covered. These can take up to two hours to complete.
Case studies
From the fourth month of training, students are required to begin compiling six case studies, recording the first three and final session of each, in depth. These form the nucleus of a more expansive personal written portrayal of Bi-Aura® Therapy, which must be submitted before the eighth weekend.
Personal development
To graduate, it is essential that, as well as competence in the theory and practise of Bi-Aura® Therapy, appropriate levels of personal development are achieved. Therefore students are assessed, advised and supported on an individual basis throughout the course.
Course fees and test results
Full course fees must be paid and case studies handed in prior to receiving results from one’s practical and theory examinations.
Further training
We offer professional development days and weekends providing a wonderful opportunity for members to exchange ideas and experiences. New techniques are demonstrated and presentations are given by distinguished guest speakers from the world of complementary health and energy healing.
We are continuously developing courses for enriching your practice.
Our graduates are provided the opportunity to become a registered member of Bi-Aura® International and are permitted to carry the letters BETD, BAI Reg after their name (Bio-Energy Therapy Diploma, Bi-Aura® International Registered.) Once registered, practitioners receive a listing with photo and bio in the Practitioners section of our website.
Members receive a monthly newsletter, special discounts on many of our offerings, and are permitted access to a Members Only section, where they receive access to resources, articles, promotional materials and more. We also have a Facebook group for practitioners to share and communicate with each other.
affiliation and endorsement
All of Bi-Aura® International’s courses are accredited by the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine. We are also registered members of the Complementary Medical Association and UK Healers.
The International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM) has been developed to provide the general public and health care professionals with a body of regulated professionals, all qualified to accredited levels.
IPHM exists to maintain Standards and support holistic practitioners and are dedicated to recognised standards of qualification and practice.
The Complementary Medical Association is very supportive of Bi-Aura® International and its training. Our graduates are eligible to join the CMA as full members. The benefits include recognition by other health professionals and the public as a reputable and qualified practitioner. The CMA also offers client referrals, newsletters and being part of an organisation dedicated to promoting the importance and potential applications of complementary therapies within orthodox medicine.
UK Healers is a voluntary organisation representing the largest number of healers in the UK. They are a collaborative association of Spiritual Healing membership organisations and other bodies that work with or train spiritual healers. All share a concern to protect the public and support the work to gain wide recognition for the standards of conduct and healing expected of UK Healers' organisations' members. It sets Quality Criteria for its associated organisations, for the training and practice of Spiritual Healing and checks that they meet them. It contributes to national standards. It is also a verifying body for healers wishing to register with either of the two independent regulatory bodies for complementary therapists: CNHC and GRCCT.
A Letter of endorsement
From Dan Kahn MA, (History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine), MSc (IT), BETD (Bio-Energy Therapy Diploma) Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice in Higher Professional Education, and Advisor for Bi-Aura® International
I have had the privilege of teaching and practising Bi-Aura® Therapy for nearly two decades and during that time have had significant health successes both for myself, my clients and my students.
When I started as a student, I had been suffering for two years from microscopic ulcerative colitis - inflammation of the gut and ulcers. This was supposedly an ‘incurable’ condition by conventional pharmaceutical treatments, such as steroids and anti-inflammatories, but could be ‘managed’ even if there were side effects from the drugs. If the condition were to get worse, I was told that I would need to have parts of my intestine surgically removed. All in all, not a very happy place to be.
However, within 9 months of embarking on the Bi-Aura® training and receiving the therapy, I received the ‘all clear’ having gone into full remission.
Orthodox medicine would say this was a ‘spontaneous’ occurrence, but I knew it had been as a result of the Bi-Aura® training and therapy, which had facilitated my own body healing itself.
Additionally, a part of the course requirement is to do case studies. I’d had several significant results with volunteers facilitating their own healing, even before I’d qualified. This inspired me to run my own practice, eventually having an office in Harley Street, being nominated as one of ‘London’s Top 50 Well-Being Gurus’ by The London Paper and featuring in a BBC2 Documentary which included a full remission, on camera, of a client from a 10-year problem that had not responded to several surgical interventions.
Similarly, fascinated by the ‘tension’ between complementary therapies and orthodox medicine I studied a Masters degree in the History and Philosophy of Science and Medicine. I naively thought that if a therapy ‘worked’ it would make sense for professional medical organisations to adopt that therapy.
Sadly, however, when looking into both the historical and current practices employed when judging the adoption of a therapy, it is not primarily the clinical effectiveness of a therapy which is the deciding factor but the many individual and organisational agendas which can combine to prevent an effective therapy’s adoption.
What does this mean for you?
It means we need to educate ourselves in how to take responsibility for our own health, both in the prevention and treatment of disease.
We have the responsibility to find the therapies and modes of behaviour that best delivers a good life for us as unique individuals - since health isn’t merely the absence of pain, but the full engagement of all our faculties.
The Bi-Aura® course has been attended by a wide variety of people, including Doctors, Nurses, Soldiers, Homemakers, Scientists and Nuns, who then have used Bio-Energy therapy either for professional purposes in developing their own professional practice or just for themselves, their friends, family and even pets.
I would recommend you to come along to an introductory workshop to feel and be able to judge for yourself if this therapy will facilitate you in your own path of healing and health.
In health and well-being,
Dan Kahn
Student testimonials
“I loved my Bi-Aura® journey. It was challenging, funny, rewarding and taxing. I learnt more about myself and actually softened some of my intolerant attitudes.” B.A.
“I am a different and better person. The course has opened a window and allowed my long standing problems to come to the surface and be healed.” S.P.
“I experienced a highly accelerated growth curve and became aware of behavioural patterns, blockages and deep rooted subconscious emotional baggage.” G.T.
“The course has helped me to lighten the load, have a better understanding of the patterns in my life and given me the opportunity to let go. Life feels much lighter now.” T.M.
“I have learned more about myself, what sort of person I am and where I am holding myself back. I came onto the course to learn how to help and heal others and will use it for that but my own learning has been more important.” A.M.
“The Bi-Aura® course helped me clear a lot of stagnant energy and gave me a fresh perspective and focus. Most of all it helped me to face my innermost fears, primarily ones of change and moving forward. I can honestly say that I have moved beyond my fears and feel joyful about living in the moment.” G.R.
Discover Your possibilities
All of our team members here at Bi-Aura® International are also Registered Bi-Aura® Therapy Practitioners. Any one of them would be happy to speak to you should you want to hear of someone’s first-hand experience of our Bi-Aura® Therapy Diploma Course.
Are you ready to dive in? Discover your possibilities with Bi-Aura®. Visit our Calendar page for dates and links to enrollment.