Janine Fennell-Ross
Phone : 01522 857457
Mobile : 07853987421/07913703062
E-mail : janinefennell-ross@hotmail.co.uk
Web : http://medicine-wolf.com
Janine Fennell-Ross, Registered Bi-Aura®Therapy Practitioner
In 1976 I graduated as an artist, and over the years experienced various forms of work, including a spell as a voluntary tutor with RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders!
My healing journey began in 1999, when I was inspired to powerfully create 18 beautiful large abstracted paintings. I realised that I was actually working with energy: that there was so much I really needed to learn and understand.
In 2003 I began formal studies with the two year Crystal Therapy Diploma in Lincoln. However, towards the end of the first year, I did not feel comfortable or competent with practising crystal therapy at Licentiate level. I repeated the first year with another teacher in a different location. That brilliant decision provided a "breathing space" and opened the door to various healing opportunities
In 2005, I completed Levels 1 and 2 in Tera-Mai Reiki & Seichem. Around that same time I happened to travel to a Mind Body & Spirit Festival, which was taking place at Broughton Pumping Station near Nottingham. Amongst the stores, in a tucked-away space; there happened to be a Bi-Aura® Therapy exhibit. I had been watching what people were doing, and I was fascinated. I allowed myself to be talked into trying out a taster session. That was it! I was hooked! I signed up then and there for the next Bi-Aura® training course.