Kim Pilkington
Elm Road
Phone : 01372 289244
Mobile : 07770 832730
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Kim Pilkington, Registered Bi-Aura®Therapy Practitioner
There are many ways to define and experience success. Success includes good health, balanced energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being and purpose, and peace of mind.
I truly believe through accessing the limitless power of energy therapies, everyone can define, create and experience their own success.
After 25 years of a roller-coaster ride in the corporate world, I experienced for myself the detrimental affects that the stresses of modern living can have on our emotional, physical and energetic well being. Nothing however prepared me for the extraordinary and life-changing experience of becoming a parent.
Through these experiences and challenges what emerged was a true desire to work with and help as many people as possible.
I have embraced many therapies over the years such as Reiki, Ayurvedic Massage; Massage In Schools; Balanced Health and Neuro Linguistics.
For me, the most profound and transformational has been and the all-encompassing Bi-Aura® Therapy.