By Mary O’Donnell MA, 2020
“The chakras along with acupuncture meridians are now finding eventual validation with the evolution of subtle energy technologies which can measure their existence and functions” Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber M.D.
I was introduced to the chakras during a colour therapy training in the early ‘90. Within the training I learned Eurhythmy, a set of movements introduced by Rudolf Steiner at the beginning of the 20th century to enhance the feelings associated with each colour of the rainbow. I realised then that these and other exercises for opening the chakras were similar to exercises I practiced during my training as a ballet dancer. I became aware that throughout my life I had been unknowingly dancing the rainbow and opening my chakras.
Years later and still dancing I was drawn to study bio-energy therapy. An ancient healing art which reactivates the body’s natural energy and capacity to heal by working on the energies of the chakras. I believed that by making use of my dance knowledge I could create movement within the body to stimulate each chakra and dislodge blockages, offering a self-healing practice. Observing the natural movements associated with life stages and applying Rudolph Laban’s principles of movement -effort I set about creating a chakra dance practice.
As babies and toddlers we press and push our feet and legs beneath ourselves into the earth. We trust our body to ground and strengthen until in triumph we draw ourselves upward and stand to the unspeakable delight of parents. So feet and legs “POUNDING” are the focus of the root chakra dance. While spontaneously and freely pounding and pressing down into the earth we ground and bring to mind our root chakra, the colour red, our ancestors, perhaps our soul animal. We connect non-verbally internally, intuitively with our foundation chakra at the base of our spine. Trapped trauma and tension begins to thaw. With each dance we become more energetically healthy.
The movement quality of the orange second chakra is “FLOW”. Our sacral chakra which is below the navel. In the dance our hips circle unceasingly like the flow of rivers and oceans under a moonlit sky, moving in powerful circles and waves. We experience pleasure of movement, our feminine qualities and the freedom that brings.
The Solar Plexus, yellow in colour and above the navel is the next to be danced .The movement qualities are “SHAKE/ THRUST” danced with the power of fire and unbounded energy. The fire within burns through all blocks and fears. We feel the masculine drive of self –definition.
The Heart Chakra in the centre of the chest brings breath and balance following the vigour of the Solar Plexus dance. We are lifted with “SWIRLING” moves and deep expansive breathing. There is a feeling of dancing on air, dancing a bridge to the three upper chakras. Our arms rise with our breath to receive and give love. Green is the colour of the heart chakra.
As we enter the upper chakras at the throat, the space between the two collar bones, we combine sound with movement and physical with spiritual. The “Pressing” exhale movement of our breath finds and expresses its unique note. We dance harmoniously our true selves at the throat chakra, creativity flows a brilliant blue. Attention is given to very gentle movements of the shoulders, neck and head.
At the Brow Indigo chakra, between our eyebrows, we integrate all our movements. We “Let Go” to allow ourselves to be danced as we visualise our desired life. We become moving energy. We trust the dance to show us a new reality.
In completion we visualise the universal light flowing down through our violet crown Chakra at the top of our head. Our Arms” Glide up” and draw down the universal light and the wisdom of our higher power. We become connected to ALL THAT IS. The Chakra Dance is complete, and we feel the freedom.
I practice and teach Chakra Dance in addition to Bio-Energy therapy. The combination of Chakra Dance and Bio-Energy creates a co-healing atmosphere between client and therapist. There is no requirement to learn steps or have dance experience. The dancer becomes the creator of the rhythm and movement. Music or sound, live or electronic, complementing the movement dynamic may accompany the dance. Some art expression following the dance helps to deepen the experience by expressing the internal experience into the external world.
It is very beneficial to students of Bio-Energy in “feeling” the placement of the chakras in their body and creating empathy with their client’s body. An awareness of the unique quality of movement of each individual chakra is gained.