Can you earn a living practicing Bi-Aura® Therapy?

By Jacqueline Kahn, M.MSc., BETD, BAI Reg


The question isn’t whether or not you can earn a living practicing Bi-Aura® Therapy. The question is, do you want to? 

Not everyone who graduates with a diploma in Bi-Aura® Therapy will want to practice full-time, and that’s okay. The sad thing is, I meet so many qualified practitioners who would LOVE to earn their living as Bi-Aura® Therapy Practitioner, yet they don’t believe they can. 

It was Henry Ford who said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Are you willing to examine your beliefs regarding what is possible for you? Take out your self-honesty magnifying glass and start with an evaluation of your lower three chakras. 

1. Do I feel worthy of the support to be who I am, to exist and thrive in this life? 

2. Can I allow myself to reach toward what brings me joy and pleasure?

3. Will I step into my power and allow myself to commit and take action towards creating the life I choose? 

Today is your day. Now is your time. This is YOUR life. Go to your Sacral Chakra and let yourself feel what you WANT. If you could, if only for a moment, set all limiting beliefs and fears aside, what do you instinctively feel in this area of your body when you ask yourself, “Do I want to earn your living in therapy practice?  How much do I want to receive per session? Do I want to work from home or in a clinic? Do I want to work in an endeavor with other practitioners or do I want to work solo? Do I want to have Bi-Aura® be my only focus or would I like to incorporate other modalities and offerings? Where do I want to practice?”

Our Sacral Chakra information is best supplied in response to simple yes or no questions. So, for example, you may need to take the last question of where you want to practice, think of a location, and ask your Sacral Chakra about practicing in that spot. Look for the primal, instinctual feeling as a glowing pleasure or subtle repulsion. Is it smile or frown inducing? Is it a like or dislike? 

Allow yourself to DREAM. Follow the joy of your desires, prompted by the felt-sense within your Sacral Chakra. 

After you have your feeling-based vision of joy, bring it into to your

  1. Root Chakra and say, “It is safe for me to have this. I am worthy of this.”

  2. Sacral Chakra, “This feels good to me and I can let myself enjoy it.”

  3. Solar Plexus Chakra, “This is who I am and I choose to live it!.”

  4. Heart Chakra, “I allow myself to live the love that I am for myself and others in this way that is true to my heart’s calling.”

  5. Throat Chakra, “I listen to and honor my truth about my desire to live my path of service in the world.” 

  6. Brow Chakra, “I see the path opening before me.”

  7. Crown Chakra, “I have unlimited support from The Universe to achieve the manifestation of my dreams.” 

There’s a saying, “The Universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.” 

Today is your day. Now is your time. This is YOUR life. What you want IS POSSIBLE for you to receive, enjoy, live, and give. You are here to live your life joyfully as a blessing to yourself and others. You are free to prosper and thrive.

Why wait another moment? 

The above article is an example of the principles taught by Jacqueline in our new Prosperity Chakras course. We’ll be offering another round of the course soon so if you're interested, stay tuned.