Now is a Good Time for Space Clearing!

By Felicity Argent, BETD, BAI Reg - June 2020


As a sensitive soul, I must admit that social distancing has brought a few advantages for me. Although I’m missing hugging loved ones, I’ve found it’s been somewhat less energy-sapping going to the shops these days because of the enforced extra personal, and subsequently, energetic space.

And whilst in lockdown, I’ve relished in reconnecting with the energy of my home and garden. Some may have found being tethered to home frustrating and oppressive, but I’ve found my home and garden to be my sanctuary. I’ve especially enjoyed noticing the small changes happening in the garden that I might usually miss.

It’s been my peaceful refuge, yet, I’m also very much attuned to my surroundings. I can hear nearby families enjoying the solace of their own homes and gardens. The child who lives upstairs, stomping her feet and complaining of being bored; some music floating on the wind that’s not to my taste; or the row the neighbours are having about trivial things.  

I know these things could easily get to me if I let them. It’s not necessarily the noises, although draining, but more so the lingering energetic footprint that affects me.  

Whilst it’s easy to notice specks on the carpet that require vacuuming, we might forget our energetic household duties. Good energy hygiene is essential. We all take the time to energetically cleanse ourselves and our workspace between clients, but what about our homes and gardens? With families cooped up together, emotions can flare. Hopefully, apologies swiftly follow, but the energetic imprint may linger, perhaps imperceptible to some, but likely affecting you as an energy worker. Next time you feel out of sorts, remember to care for your homes’ energetic balance as well as your own. It might make all the difference.

My favourite ways to regularly clean my space include:

Visualisation – I imagine a large vacuum cleaner sucking up unhelpful energies, or sometimes a large vortex draining the unwanted energies into the Earth.

Using sound. My preferences are:

Clapping loudly - It’s quick, easy, fun, and free! Remember to clap into the corners, behind the tv, and anywhere else energy may stagnate.  

Tingsha bells and singing bowls - These make a beautiful sound and can be found in different notes, each vibration relating to a different chakra. They energetically benefit you as you clear your space!

Smudging – Using the smoke from burning natural products such as white sage, Palo Santo (holy wood – be sure to find a sustainable source), resins and other dried herbs or gifts from nature. The smoke purifies your environment. Don’t forget to smudge yourself!

Incense - You can even make your own. Try different variations to see what you enjoy. Always dry any herbs or leaves in a paper bag before use - (fresh herbs will rot if you try to store them and won’t burn properly.) Once dry, mix with a resin such as copal, frankincense, myrrh or dragons’ blood and burn on a charcoal disc (specific for this purpose, do not use BBQ charcoal) in an incense burner. Some lovely suggestions to mix and match include dried rose petals from your garden, dried lavender, dried birch leaves, dried pine needles, or dried powdered lemon zest. Add a resin, grind or crumble it all together and store in a glass jar. Add a few drops of essential oil if you wish. Don’t forget to label it so you can recreate your favourites!

Salt – Bowls of salt placed in the corners of the room are thought to absorb unhelpful energies. Remember to replace them every so often.

Crystals – Amethyst, Black Tourmaline and Shungite are well known for their space clearing properties. Be sure to energetically cleanse them regularly.

Finally, I’ve often used Bi-Aura® techniques for space clearing! Use a simple “gather and clear” technique in a room after an argument, or channel love and light into your bedroom before you sleep.

I hope that these suggestions help you the way they’ve helped me. If you have any further helpful suggestions please let us know.