Advanced Chakra Work 1: Working With Chakras in Their Torus Form
Learning to work with the evolving form of your chakras
Take your chakra work to the next level and discover new possibilities in your healing and consciousness!
Join us on Zoom for a two-hour masterclass, led by Senior Bi-Aura Instructor and Practitioner, Antony Llewellyn.
You’ll learn about the torus form of the chakras and how the evolution, or increasing complexity, of form, pattern and motion is related to the evolution of consciousness. You’ll also be introduced to working with this form in yourself and your healing practice.
This course is open to all who are already working in a capacity as a healer and have experience of working with their own energy.
Introduce the Torus Form of your chakras
Evolve your energetic practice using this form
Evolve your consciousness using this form
Demonstrate the relationship between evolving energetic forms and the evolution of your consciousness
Knowledge – Chakras – Evolution of Form – The Torus
Discovering the Torus Form in your Palm Chakra
Discovering the Torus Form in the Chakras of your Central Channel
Exploring the Torus Form in yourself and your Healing Practice
Reflections & Q&A