Healing and the Law
Understand the law as it relates to healing practice and ensure you’re acting within it.
As practitioners, we are aware that when we agree to provide healing to a client, we are in a position of trust and have a duty of care to that client. The same is true whether we are being paid for our service or it is given free of charge. Understanding the laws on healing is vital; ignorance of the law is no defence. Join us live on Zoom or via the catch-up recording for a refresher on the need-to-know areas of legislation with UK Healers’ helpful guide.
This session will be led by Chief Bi-Aura® Instructor and Practitioner, Dan Kahn.
It is open to all qualified Bi-Aura® therapists and will cover:
Data protection
Medical records
Medical treatment and patient consent
Healers and DBS checks
Laws relating to children
Healing pregnant clients
Prescribing herbs, remedies, supplements, oils, etc.
Giving healing to animals
Registered healers’ obligations in court
Sign up today:
Complete the registration form and make your payment below.
This session is free for current Bi-Aura® International Members.
current Bi-Aura® International Members: FREE
Non-Members: £40
We look forward to seeing you! Joining instructions will follow in advance of the event.